It begins with passion and an idea

Chamonix Perspectives is a landscape photography book with Chamonix as its epicenter. The book also addresses climate change as it is seen in the mountains. It is not a lecture on mountain climate change science, but rather a recounting of the daily experiences, worries, and reflections from people whose livelihoods depend on what happens in the near future.

The idea was created from a love to the mountains and a deep concern about the profound impact of climate change we see in mountains … plus thousands of images caught through decades walking, skiing, and climbing in the Alps.

The book’s publishing has been a purely privately funded initiative with assistance from several photography and book professionals.

Jens Høgsted

Born in 1972. Danish national based in Copenhagen with a second home base in Chamonix, France. Executive in the retail and consumer product industry. Enthusiastic photographer and alpinist, trying to balance work, family, and passions like the next guy. He enjoyed most, struggled on some, of the 25 4,000m peaks that he has summitted in the Alps.


  • The book.

    180 pages
    100 images
    1,890 gram
    Fonts: Lars by Bold Decisions & Times by Linotype
    Paper: 150 g Arctic Silk
    ISBN: 978-87-974093-0-5

  • The gear.

    Canon EOS 1-D II + IV/EOS 1-D X II
    16-35mm f/2.8L III
    24-70mm f/2.8L
    50mm f/1.2L
    70-200mm f/2.8L
    100-400mm f/4.5L+ II
    500mm f/4.0L
    Fujifilm X100F/X100V

  • The company.

    Høgsted Consulting Aps
    Onsgaardsvej 14
    2900 Hellerup
    CVR no: 26543088